Household of god 10/23/22

2. Character of Pastor/Presbyter/Elder (presbuteros) Leaders 3:2-3

1. M.     Character: 3:2a

1. These character qualities are essential and “must be” presently and actively visible in a pastor’s/elder’s life. Note the 4 times “must be” is used in 3:1-7 to give central attention to the matter of Character. This is Paul’s primary concern for church leadership that he develops. Character is at the foundation of leadership integrity and ministry empowerment.

2. “Above Reproach”– not deserving or worthy of rebuke or criticism. Root idea is to take hold of, grasp. Blameless, not open to attack. It is a high standard for leadership. It is not sinlessness otherwise this would have disqualified Paul & Timothy.

3. “be”-these first 7 characteristics are positive designations, things that should be easily observable by the church that will determine who they will allow to teach, lead, shepherd and pray for them. His reputation should be unquestionable.

2. M__________ Character: 3:2b

Literally, “one woman/wife man.” “heis gyne aner” More than a legal status Paul is talking about an attitude & action that a man has toward his wife that if correct would keep him from being a polygamist, divorced, involved in pornography because he is emotionally, physically and spiritually committed to one woman. A “one woman kind of man,” is not a flirt, paying attention to other women. Devoted to his wife. This phrase is an idiom for marital faithfulness. This doesn’t prevent a never married man (ie, Paul, Timothy) from serving. There are a number of scenarios that warrant examination (see brief explanation in Bible Knowledge Comm). “Does it mean “husband of but one wife” (NIV), “husband of one wife” (NASB), “married only once” (NRSV), or something like “committed to his wife” (The Message) or “faithful to his wife” (NLT)?” Liefeld, W. L. (1999). 1 and 2 Timothy, Titus (NIVAC p. 118). Zondervan Publishing House. 28

3. M________ Character: 3:2c-e

1) His Caution 3:2c “sober-minded” νηφάλιος, nephalios– a man who thinks straight. Calm and collected in spirit. Well balanced, capable of good judgment. (Prov. 16:32)

2) His Conclusions 3:2d “self-controlled” σώφρων, sophron- wisely keeping control over one’s passions and desires. Balanced judgment. Not given to sudden impulse. (Gal. 5:22,23)

3) His Conduct 3:2e “respectable” κόσμιος, kosmios- honorable, appropriate. Befitting admirable propriety or moderation. A well ordered life. Consistent.

4. Ministerial Character 3:2-3

1) Known For His Social Graciousness. “hospitable” φιλό-ξενος, philoxenos – generous to guests and strangers. A quality all Christians should seek to demonstrate (I Pet. 4:9). A love of strangers (Christians who traveled from afar) (Rom. 12:13, Heb. 13:2).

2) Known For His Spiritual Giftedness. “able to teach” διδακτικός, didaktikos, skillful in teaching ( II Tim. 2:24 see Titus 1:9). Able teachers are diligent students of the Word therefore capable of defending the faith.

3) Known For His Steadfast Goodness.

1) Must not be inclined/addicted to wine. 3a Not a drunkard or as the KJV says, “not given to wine.” πάρ-οινος, paroinos -addicted to wine, one who sits long at his wine (Titus 1:7). Wine was commonly used & abused in the early church. The Corinthians even got drunk at the Lord’s Table (I Cor. 11:21). Caution: in a culture that romanticizes alcohol for it is a destroyer of truth, homes, lives. 29

3. Ci______________ of Pastor (poimen) Leader Demonstrations 3:4-7

2) Must not be inclined/addicted to wrath. 3b 3 word descriptors a)“violent” πλήκτης , plektes-bully,BDAG. Aggressive, verbally abusive. b) “gentle” ἐπιεικής, epieikes- fair, equitable, (see Ja. 3:17). One who is not self willed. Considerate not authoritarian. Jesus was “gentle and humble in heart” (Matt. 11:29). C) “quarrelsome” ἄμαχος, amachos- peaceable, inclined to peace. Not hostile, combative. (II Tim. 2:24-25) 24 And the Lord’s servant must not be quarrelsome but kind to everyone, able to teach, patiently enduring evil, 25 correcting his opponents with gentleness. God may perhaps grant them repentance leading to a knowledge of the truth, 26 and they may come to their senses and escape from the snare of the devil, after being captured by him to do his will.

3) Must not be inclined/addicted to wealth. 3c “not a lover of money” – ἀ-φιλ-άργυρος, aphilargyros- not characterized by an immoderate desire for acquiring wealth. Not loving money (Heb. 13:5). Knows how to manage money. Poor people as well as rich can have a love relationship with money.

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